Varicose veins Retikular - A plexus of small vessels of red, blue, purple, translucent through the skin. The stomach, the chest, but the most common location: the lower limbs can occur on the face.
What is reticular varicose veins
In the human body, the blood circulates on the basis of arteries, veins, capillaries, veins. Arteries are the largest ships in the circulatory system. They are connected to the veins. The smallest ships are veins. At the lower ends under the skin, the intermediate venous vessels of the surface are evident. Their diameter is larger than the diameter of the capillaries, but less the diameter of the veins of the trunk. Such a venous jersey is called the reticular. In other words, the reticular veins are small millimeters that are visible under the skin on the legs.
There are valves in every vein. They filter the direction of the blood movement and its volume. There is only one valve in the reticular vein. If it is deformed, the vein is expanded, twisted and leads a greater volume of blood. The venous pressure in the leather mesh layer increases due to the accumulation of blood in a certain area. The deficiency of Crema develops and formed varicose veins reticular - a plexus of small red, blue, purple vessels, translucent through the skin.
In what places are the reticular usually
The vascular plexus of small vases can occur on the face, the abdomen, the chest, but the most common location: the lower limbs.
There are goals on the legs:
- On the rear surface of the knee joints. Spider webs is observed in young women;
- in the upper part of the legs;
- on the internal surface of the sides;
- Above the ankles.
Causes and risk factors for the development of reticular varicose veins
Very often, the disease is observed in women. The trigger is a violation of the hemodynamics. Due to the fact that the valve is deformed, the blood starts to circulate in the opposite direction. The color of the blood vessels is overwhelmed and the blood stagnates. For this reason, the walls of the ships expand, become brighter and more evident through the skin.
It can be preceded by this state:
- Hormonal jump. A decrease in estrogen and the growth of progesterone leads to a loss of venous tone and the expansion of the lumen of the blood vessels, the rapid coagulation of the blood and a decrease in plasma antitrombin. Flobopathy is developing. This process is often observed in pregnant women, as well as in women who take oral contraceptives.
- Inheritance. The change in the connective tissue is transmitted along the female line, therefore, with varicose veins in a mother or grandmother, the risk of expanding the reticular vessels is already at a young age.
- Load load. In people who work or standing, the diagnosis is done more often. The varicose veins of the nets of both limbs are observed between employees, accounting, removals, hairdressers, teachers.
- Frequent flights on the plane. With the air journey due to the jumps under atmospheric pressure, the tone of the blood vessels and the bloodstream in the reticular changes.
The development of the disease is aggravated by smoking, obesity, arterial hypertension, the second and subsequent pregnancy, intake of corticosteroids, liver cirrhosis, systemic scleroderma.
The disease in the initial phase proceeds latent. You can suspect the reticular form of the varicose disease of the lower limbs in the color of cyanotic skin. The thin veins in the shape appear on the legs:
- a shape similar to the tree (from a base, many vases branch on the left and right);
- Web or stars (ships move away from the center in different directions);
- Lines (also strips of blood vessels).
Braranian veins are particularly evident at the end of the day after practicing sports, lift weights, a long static position, run or long walks. In the morning, the defect on the legs is invisible.
As the blood flow worsens, the concomitant symptoms are aggravated:
- discomfort in your calf muscles. The involuntary cramps suddenly occur and pass after the limb massage;
- gravity and fatigue in the legs;
- Burn and itchy with legs and feet.
The clinic occurs stronger during menstruation due to an increase in blood flow.
The symptoms are faded after resting with the raised legs. Unlike varicose veins, pain, edema and trophic disorders.

The danger of reticular varicose veins
In many cases, patients do not pay attention to vascular stars and are in no hurry for the doctor. There are practically no symptoms, so women cancel the visibility of the veins on a cosmetic defect.
If the treatment is not started in the initial phase, the deficiency of the valve of the deep trunk veins will develop. The varicose veins of the BPV tributaries are particularly dangerous. A large subcutaneous vein runs along the medial side of the legs and connects to the femoral vein. As the BPV valves deform, varicose disease develops.
With prolonged ignoring the problem, the vascular mesh deepens and the risk of trophic ulcers intensifies.
Methods of diagnosis of the disease
The diagnosis is established by a phlebologist. Examine the patient who lies and standing. The doctor must distinguish the varicose veins of the reticular from teleangectia, the initial stage of the Mesh Lvedo, Clippel-Teenone syndrome, Maffuchchi syndrome, Bloom syndrome, door spots.
An ultrasound in Duplex mode is prescribed. With the help of the ultrasound, the condition of the valves of the veins is assessed. The diagnosis is established if a violation of the reticular blood flow is confirmed, that is, there is obstruction and reflux of surface vessels.
Conduct UZDG. Dopplerography shows the direction of the blood movement. During the scan, the doctor asks to hold back the breath, strangle, simulate on foot lying. The image of green and red ships is displayed on the screen. The red color shows the length of the pathological area and the green: the functionality of the venous valve. The direction and speed of the movement of the blood is indicated.
Treatment of varicose veins reticular
In the treatment of a reticular form of varicose disease in an initial phase, the result is favorable.
First of all, a phlebologist prescribes drug therapy to improve blood flow, combined with compression therapy.
Drug therapyIt includes the intake of Venotonic based on rutoside, heparin, troxerutine, Diosmin. They regulate the outflow of the sap, strengthen the walls of the blood vessels, normalize the vascular permeability, increase the vein tone, prevent convulsions and the development of trophic disorders.
Depending on the number of reticols, the doctor selectCompression stockings. With subcutaneous veins on the lower part of the legs, it is recommended to wear therapeutic action tights. If spiders have appeared on the back of the knees, gangging with an elastic bandage or wearing compression tights A. A.
If the number of reticular increases and the vascular mesh is evident even after rest, they start treating the lower ends with the hardware method.
Laser therapyIt consists in the influence of a ray of light on a vascular complex. The laser warms the vein, due to which the internal surface of the ship is destroyed. The blood stops flowing through this vein. To obtain the result, it is necessary to pass 2-3 procedures with a 2-3 weeks interval. After elaborating 12 hours, you cannot load the limb, sunbathe in the sun, take a shower and go to the bathing establishment. Laser coagulation has a disadvantage. If the doctor affects the same site for a long time, you can burn you. The method is effective for blood vessels lower than 1 mm.
With the expansion of the veins of more than 3 mm, it is prescribedsclerotherapy. It consists in introducing a special sclerosing in the lumen of the vein under the control of ultrasound. The substance glues the walls, due to which the flow of blood to the pathological area ceases. For the treatment of intradermal varicose veins, a substance is used in the form of foam. The procedure is painless, because the injections are made by the best needles. Perhaps burning at the time of the administration of the drug. After the injection, a narrow bandage is pulled. Taking a fresh shower and removing compression linen is allowed on the same day.
Microflebectomy is not performed with a reticular type of disease.
The treatment will not be effective if the main cause is not eliminated. Oboor people must adjust the weight to reduce the load on the legs. Employees must pause, get up and take a walk every hour. Fans of high -wheeled shoes should wear comfortable shoes with a large block and height of the heel of no more than 5 cm.
Treatment of reticular varicose veins in the doctor's clinic:
Endovasal Laser coagulation (EVVK)
If you have varicose veins, this does not mean that you will have to do the operation! New medical technologies allow you to get rid of this disorder without surgery.
Sclerotherapy is a methodology for the treatment of varicose veins by introducing sclerosante (special medicine) into the affected veins.
The technique is used in cases where it is necessary to "stock up" large veins.
Sclerotherapy in the form of a foam
The foam form technology (foam sclerotherapy) is used to "tie" varicose veins with a diameter of up to 6 mm.
Cinematographic sclerotherapy
The most recent and unique method to combat varicosis vessels of any size.
Venseal of the adhesive prison
Non -surgical treatment of chronic venous insufficiency and varicose veins through Biocle Venta.
If there is a hereditary predisposition to the development of the disease, it is recommended to do simple exercises every day to maintain peripheral blood circulation:
- in a location lying along the legs on the wall and keep vertically for 5-10 minutes;
- In the morning after waking up, "scroll through the bicycle" and swing on the right and right on the other;
- Walk again, while you cannot tear the heels from the floor;
- In the position of lying down, raises his legs and rotates with his feet;
- After lifting from the bed, make ten fractures from the tip to the heel and the heel to the tip.
Each exercise must be performed 10-15 times a day.
To maintain a normal blood flow, don't sit on the leg. If the work is sedentary, then you should put a roller under your feet and keep them at the top.
A contrast shower tones the ships in the morning, but you have to start gradually. Every day it is necessary to adjust the temperature of 1-2 degrees.
If there are individual extensions, to prevent the enormous appearance of varicose veins, it will help the refusal of savory products. It is worth limiting the consumption of smoked meats, marinades, pickles.